2025 Events

Statement of Purpose and Guiding Values Task Force

Dear Sessions of the Presbytery of Carlisle,

Commencing in January of last year, my predecessor, Cheryl Galan, brought together a task force whose primary responsibility was to spend time discerning and then constructing a statement of purpose andvalues to guide the presbytery into the next chapter of its history together. Included in this responsibility was the task of capturing the movement of the spirit which would undergird the new leadership model that would eventually become the co-leader model that we have begun to live into as well as retain the historical strengths of the presbytery. Following a series of drafts of the statement, a final edition was distributed to the congregations of the presbytery for feedback. Having received several responses from sessions, the group returned to its work, set to re-envision the purpose and values of the presbytery. The results of those efforts we offer to you in this correspondence.

At the heart of every healthy organization in the world is a shared sense of vision and hope coupled with the belief that each member is valued and cherished solely because they exist. This is even more the case with members of the shared body of Christ. Our primary reality is one of shared lineage and destination. We all seek to serve the risen savior, even though our efforts to be the hands and feet of Jesus may look different from one another. We all yearn for reconciliation, redemption, and resurrection even as we gather around different tables to break bread and share cup. Our unity in Christ is central to any divinely inspired diversity that we may experience in our congregations. In the end, we are all God’s beloved.

At the same time, as members of a Reformed body of believers, we acknowledge both that all our efforts on this side of the Jordan are always aspirational and incomplete. This statement declares aspects of what we know to be true about our presbytery while also including language to which we aspire, with the help of the spirit. We ask that as your sessions read through these words and work through the accompanying study guide that you allow some of your own hopes and dreams about what could be possible in your congregations and presbytery to be born and brought to the light that we might all work together with the Holy Spirit to birth the Realm of God into each new moment.

As you work through the words and the questions we have provided, we would welcome any insights, feedback, or affirmations that you might offer. Any correspondence may be directed to me at: [email protected] or 518.319.0164. In addition, there will be two Zoom meetings for those who wish to have conversations about Purpose and Values Statements. They will be on Wednesday, August 7 at 1:00 p.m. and Thursday, August 15 at 7:00 p.m. Signups for these meetings will soon be available. I look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks.

Grace and peace,


Jamie McLeod
Presbytery Co-Leader for Vision and Transformation
Presbytery of  Carlisle



Follow the links below to register for the meeting of your choosing:

Wednesday, August 7 at 1 p.m.

Thursday, August 15 at 7 p.m.


Statement of Purpose and Values

The Presbytery of Carlisle: creating and nurturing partnerships for living into the triune God’s transformative promises.

The Presbytery of Carlisle engages and builds bridges between our churches, communities, anddiffering voices to inspire transformative ministry. With a strong and deep history of providing mission and ministry in Central Pennsylvania, we work to provide inspiration and resources to elevate the gifts of each member congregation for their part in God’s mission. We strive to be a beacon of God’s hope, joy, mercy, and peace, reflecting the light of Christ in the world. Through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, we celebrate our past and embrace our collective future, faithfully following God’s lead toward our mission and purpose.


Study Questions

  1. What are some of the ways that your congregation currently lives into “the triune God’s transformative promises” and how can the larger presbytery better journey with you in those efforts?
  2. How does hearing and elevating “differing voices” help your congregation to “inspire transformative ministry?” What are the differing voices that we hear from in the presbytery and how do they challenge your understanding of what new things God is doing in Central Pennsylvania?
  3. What are the chapters in the story of your congregation in which your mission andministry have been the strongest? How could the presbytery, as a whole, better support you in your endeavors to discover and participate in your part of God’s mission in a broken world?
  4. Share amongst your session at least one way in which your congregation is a beacon of God’s “hope,” “joy,” “mercy,” and “peace.” Given these successful elements in your ministry, how can the presbytery elevate these so that the larger church can celebrate and share in your light in the region?
  5. What is the one thing about the future for your congregation that excites you to see what God is doing and how can the presbytery support you in sharing it with sisters andbrothers in the faith?