Presbytery of Carlisle Honduras Mission Partnership

Dori Hjalmarson
Mission Co-Worker, Honduras
The Presbytery of Carlisle approved a formal Covenant with the Presbytery of Honduras in February 2025. The full agreement can be found here.
The Presbyterian Church in Honduras consists of 18 Presbyterian churches located in a 60-mile radius of the capital city, Tegucigalpa. The enthusiastic churches of this region serve attendees Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. Honduras is a largely mountainous, sparsely populated country in Central America, once the center of the Mayan empire. Throughout most of the 20th century, the country was dominated by military dictatorships. Since the late 1980s, democracy has strengthened, and since the 1990s the per capita income of the country has improved. However, Honduras’ income is one of the lowest in Latin America.
Through the efforts of World Mission, the Honduras Mission Network, and the presbyteries of Arkansas, Carlisle and Tampa Bay, the Rev. Dori Hjalmarson has been called as the new mission co-worker to Honduras. In the fall of 2017, she began her service with the Presbyterian Church of Honduras focusing on organization, leadership and theological development. She will serve as the primary Presbyterian World Mission liaison to the Honduras Mission Network, providing in-country experience, as well as coordinating the partnership between the Presbyterian Church of Honduras and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Additionally, she will coordinate and coach lay and pastoral leadership in the Presbyterian Church of Honduras as the denomination seeks to strengthen leadership capacity and broaden theological education.
With the continued financial support of the organizing presbyteries for salary support, as well as, their prayers, the hope is that the partnership continues to strengthen for the Honduran churches there. The Presbytery’s Mission Advocacy Committee supports this ministry, future trips to the country, and other ministry opportunities, which may present themselves. Members of our churches are welcome to learn more about pastor Dori through her blog posts.