Restore Your Faith | Revitalize Your Life | Fortify Your Mind
On September 28th, 2019, we are inviting all within the bounds of the Presbytery to an event that seeks to restore your faith, revitalize your life, and fortify your mind.
MARYANN MCKIBBEN DANA will be our Keynote speaker. Taken from her website: “Like many authors, MaryAnn writes the books that she herself longs to read. So as a recovering perfectionist who likes her backup plans to have backup plans, she penned God, Improv, and the Art of Living, about embracing improvisation as a spiritual and life practice. And as a twitchy workaholic seeking to find balance in a 24/7 world, she wrote 2012’s Sabbath in the Suburbs.”
You can also select from a wide variety of workshops that are geared toward everyone: Pastor, Elder, Deacon, Christian Educator, child, youth, parent, older adult. We hope you’ll join us.