Sermon Supply Links

In a year that has challenged us in ways we could not have imagined, the Carlisle Presbytery has taken steps to offer you a respite. The following are pre-recorded sermons ready to be plugged into your planning process. If you have questions or need support in using a sermon, call our office or email [email protected].

Pastor Scripture
Sermon Title
& Video Link

 Rev. Cheryl Galan Luke 4:14-30 The Audacious Church
Pastor Bio:  Rev. Cheryl Galan is Interim Executive Presbyter with the Presbytery of Carlisle.  Cheryl’s sense of call to mid-council leadership is grounded in her deep love for the church and strong hope that God is transforming congregations for the sake of Christ’s mission in the world.   As we continue to navigate the challenges and opportunities of life during a global pandemic, Cheryl’s sermon asks what we believe about ourselves, what we anticipate about those we seek to serve, and how Jesus’ words can help us get our bearings, today and in our post-pandemic existence.

Rev. Katy Yates Brungraber Psalm 72 (selected verses) To Epiphany and Beyond
Pastor Bio:  Rev. Katy Yates Brungraber is a Member-at-Large Teaching Elder who has provided pulpit supply for nine congregations in Carlisle Presbytery. She currently serves on the Commission on Ministry. Katy also is a Zoom retreat leader who facilitates discernment ministry (communal and personal), bringing experience both as a solo pastor, and as a Certified Christian Educator. Katy lives in Chambersburg with her husband Kurt and their two cats, Moses and Miss Miriam.

Rev. Jim Richwine Corinthians 4:16-18 Don’t give Up
Pastor Bio: Rev. Jim Richwine, a graduate of Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, served as pastor of the Middle Spring Presbyterian Church in Shippensburg for 14 years; retiring in 2006.  In 2006, he began facilitating clergy support groups in the Presbytery of Carlisle.  Currently, he facilitates monthly meetings with 3 Presbyterian clergy groups and one Lutheran group. He and his wife Lois, also an ordained Presbyterian minister, live in Dillsburg.

Rev. Nancy Reinert Luke 15:1-3, 8-10 Lost and Found
Rev. Nancy Reinert Jeremiah 29:1-11 “Normal”
Pastor Bio: The Rev. Nancy Reinert is an Honorably Retired Teaching Elder of Carlisle Presbytery.  As pastor, Nancy served the First Presbyterian Church of Caledonia, NY.  Before receiving her M.Div. from Princeton Theological Seminary, Nancy served as Christian Educator to the Pine Street, Derry, and St. Andrews congregations.  Nancy and her husband Wayne live in Hershey.

Rev. Bruce Humphrey 1 Samuel 30: 21-25 and
Luke 21: 1-3
Behind the Scenes
Rev. Bruce Humphrey Philippians 4:4-10 When to Stop Praying
Pastor Bio: Rev. Bruce Humphrey is a retired Teaching Elder who along with his wife Kathy moved from California to Pennsylvania upon retirement.  Bruce has served congregations in Alaska, Arizona, and California.  In retirement, he’s developing interfaith ministries at the Penn State, Middletown campus.  Bruce is active in our presbytery, currently serving on our presbytery’s Coordinating Council.  He has also served as guest preacher in at least 6 of our churches.

Rev. Karin Carroll Fire on the Mountain
Pastor Bio:  Rev. Karin Carter Carroll, a lifelong Presbyterian, has an M. Div. and an S.T.M. from the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.  Since her ordination 30 years ago, she has served the Camp Hill and Silver Spring churches.  She has chaired the Presbytery Committee on Preparation for Ministry, and served as Moderator of Presbytery in 2005.  She attends worship at Silver Spring where her husband John is a member and Clerk of Session; and both of them sing in the choir and serve on the Earth Care Team.  They have two adult children, three grandchildren and a fourth due to be born in August.

Rev. Charlie Best Psalm 23 and
I Samuel 1:21-28
Lending to God
Rev. Charlie Best Psalm 78: 1-4, 12-16;
Matthew 21:23-32
Promising an Open Future
Pastor Bio: Rev. Best is a retired teaching elder who served for 35 years at the Monaghan Presbyterian Church in Dillsburg.  In retirement, Charlie has served as Temporary Supply Pastor at Great Conewago.  He currently chairs an Administrative Commission walking alongside the Session at Christ Presbyterian Church, Lebanon and serves as the Moderator of the Synod’s Governing Commission.  Charlie and his wife Louise live in Lititz, where he can often be found biking, walking, trimming the grass and weeds around the tombstones at Lititz Moravian Cemetery

Rev. Cindy Kohlmann Psalm 145:8-20 We Gather in the Lord’s Name
Pastor Bio: Rev. Cindy Kohlmann, out-going Co-Moderator of the General Assembly.  Cindy and a team of worship leaders from the Presbytery of Boston have video-recorded a complete worship service including communion prepared for July 5, but appropriate for any Sunday. A bulletin is linked here for the worship service itself. Permission is granted to use them for the purpose of worship for any congregation.

Blue Christmas Options
Presbytery of Carlisle Blue Christmas for Pastors, Educators and Commissioned Ruling Elders
Derry PC Service of Hope and Light for Congregations