Per Capita Reporting
The following is your church’s specific membership statistic for 2021 for use in completing the Per Capita Commitment and Mission Pledge Form. The per capita assessment for 2023 is noted on the pledge form.
2021 Membership Statistic: 85 members @ $31 each (membership as reported in your 2021 annual GA statistical report)
2023 Per Capita Calculation: $2,635 This total is needed to complete the fillable Per Capita Commitment and Mission Pledge Form
PCUSA Office of the General Assembly Reporting
Annually, the PCUSA Office of the General Assembly asks Clerks of Session to complete statistical forms that are found at Follow the link “Statistical Reporting & F.A.Q”. on the left side of the page. Then follow “Go to the Online Statistics Entry”. The Security Login page will appear. Enter the User Name and Password provided below in the appropriate fields. Full details on this process are found in an email sent annually, ordinarily at the end of each calendar year.
Note: Only select the “Remember me on this computer” if you are using a private computer.
User name: 07611
Password: A1TD17!